Recognizing Human TraffickingVIRTUAL & Tulsa County Human Trafficking Awareness Summit
Date/Time: Description: Additional Information: We are excited to share with you an amazing training opportunity brought to you by a partnership with Soaring Eagle's Youth & Family Services. They have an amazing line-up of speakers with real life experiences to share. On the day of the Summit please sign in at the registration table on the OKMRC Sign-Up Sheet. There is also a virtual option for this summit.
Human Trafficking Awareness Summit Saturday, 15 February 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Legacy Plaza 5310 E. 31st St., Tulsa Please enroll on both the OKMRC site by clicking the "Sign up for this class" button at the bottom of the page AND by registering on the EVENTBRITE LINK for Soaring Eagles Youth & Family Services Registration This will allow them to know how many participants they should expect, and allow us to have a record of your participation. Here is the link as well if the above hyperlink doesn't work: This event is FREE to the public so feel free to share with family and friends. Please click the $0 option when registering on Eventbrite. They are charging for CEs and we were not able to work out a way for OKMRC to pay for those, so if you want the CEs associated with this training, you will have to pay for those individually. |