Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed

University of Oklahoma College of Nursing in OKC
1100 N. Stonewall Ave.
Oklahoma City , OK

August 05, 2016
2:30 PM to 4:30 pm

Hours Credit:

Class Limit:
40 students (-21 seats left)

Uncontrolled bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do. This training is an initiative of the American College of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus with contributions from a variety of other private and nonprofit partners to help prepare you in the event you are witness to one of these unspeakable events. We hope you will never need to use this information, but if you do, at least you will be prepared to help.

Additional Information:

Stop the Bleed  -is a nationwide campaign to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives.  This training is for all OKMRC volunteers.  No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene.  A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss.