Vision, Mission & Goals

The Medical Reserve Corps mission on a national level is simple -- to help communities be better prepared to deal with disaster.

The American Flag.


The vision of the OKMRC is to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities by supplementing existing response infrastructures in local communities across the state of Oklahoma.


The mission of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is to improve the health and safety of communities across the country by organizing and utilizing public health, medical and other volunteers.

The mission of the OKMRC is to identify, organize, train and sustain a cadre of medical, public health, and community volunteers who will contribute their skills and expertise to emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts during times of community need and in ongoing public health efforts.


  1. Identify, organize, train, and sustain a corps of medical, public health and community volunteers in order to augment and assist local emergency response personnel during medical and public health emergency operations.
  2. Establish partnerships with state and local response agencies and community partners to facilitate MRC integration into preparedness and response operations.
  3. Identify a framework for efficient utilization and mobilization of OKMRC volunteers based upon local community needs
  4. Maintain a statewide ESAR-VHP compliant database of pre-identified volunteers willing to respond during a public health emergency by providing current and verifiable information regarding identity and credentials
  5. Comply with program requirements set forth by the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps necessary to maintain national affiliation
  6. Maintain procedures and capabilities necessary to ensure compliance with funding and contractual partners including but not limited to: ESAR-VHP, National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security (OKOHS), EMSA, Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS), etc.
  7. Implement a statewide multi-tier training curriculum, incorporating the Core Competencies Matrix developed by the national MRC, to provide all OKMRC volunteers with a common level of basic training, and allow individual MRC units to develop training specific to local resources and responses.
  8. Recognize OKMRC volunteers for their valuable contribution and the positive impact they have on their community.
  9. Support local public health infrastructure by encouraging local unit and volunteer participation in public health initiatives and community events.