HAM Radio Training - Technician LicenseTulsa County HAM Radio Training - Technician License Week 6 of 8
Date/Time: Description: Additional Information: Tulsa County HAM Radio Training - Technician License (Week 6 of 8) (Approximately 8 Weeks, 1 night a week) We are excited to be partnering again with The Broken Arrow Emergency Management Radio Club (WX5BA) who will be be sponsoring an Amateur Radio licensing class. This class will cover the material necessary to obtain the Technician Class Amateur Radio license. The class is taught by volunteer instructors affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and are all members of the Broken Arrow Emergency Management Amateur Radio Club and various amateur radio clubs in the metro area. As we all know, communication issues are always present during a disaster/emergency. When all other traditional communications are not working, HAM Radio Operators are in high demand. If you would like to learn how to operate a HAM Radio and test for your HAM Radio Technician License (which will actually allow you to utilize a HAM Radio) please join us on every Wednesday night starting 27 March through 15 May from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Complex in Broken Arrow. Space is limited. We recommend enrolling soon! Please note the class is one night a week for 8 weeks. Class is Free. However, if you would like a book they will be $25 and the testing fee to obtain your license is $15. However, we’re working to see if we can figure out a way for OKMRC to pay for the books with a PO. If you are interested please enroll so I will know how many books to order if we are able to work out those logistics. I’ll keep those enrolled posted on the progress and whether you will need to get the books individually or if we can get them for the group. The instructors will need to know before class starts if you will be ordering a book because they have to order them in advance so please put in the comment section when you enroll if you would like a book or not. Although you do not need a book to take the class or licensing exam, it is highly recommended as the class is structured using this information. The text will be the current-edition licensing manual published by the ARRL. At the end of the class, a FCC licensing examination will be offered for anyone who chooses to take it. There is a $15.00 examination fee for the licensing exam. Come join us and get an introduction to the world of Amateur Radio, get your "ticket" and get involved in this rewarding activity. For more information and to enroll, please contact the HAM Instructors at wx5ba.radio@gmail.com. Please also sign up using the “Sign Up for this class” button at the bottom of the OKMRC class announcement to ensure we get you credit on your OKMRC profile.
HAM Radio Training - Technician License Every Wednesday night starting 27 March and April (3, 10, 17 & 24) and May (1, 8 & 15) 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Broken Arrow Public Safety Complex 1101 N. 6th St., Broken Arrow (near 71st & Lynn Lane) Class: Free Book Fee: $25 (if you want to have a book) Testing Fee: $15 To enroll contact: wx5ba.radio@gmail.com AND sign up below