TEEX Training2024 Volunteer Workshop - PER-320 Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events
Date/Time: Description: Additional Information: TEEX-320: Personal Protective Measures for Biological EventsImportant: Volunteers must ALSO create a free TEEX student account and register for this course on the TEEX website here: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx?MO=mCourseCatalog&D=NE&C=PER320&S=315 Course DescriptionPersonal Protective Measures for Biological Events is a one-day course focusing on the challenges faced by first responders and clinical health care professionals in prehospital and hospital environments as they deal with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs and potential contamination issues while dealing with highly infectious diseases. The course provides participants with an overview of PPE and includes experiential learning activities on donning and doffing Level C PPE and technical decontamination. Additionally, participants review the different types of decontamination. Upon successful completion, you will be able to: