OK County: Red Cross Shelter Exercise

Mar 18 2023

The Red Cross has requested volunteers to participate in their Sheltering Operations Simulation. Volunteers will be asked to participate in a hands-on experience focused on building the skills to open, operate, maintain, and close a Red Cross Shelter. You will utilize interactive teamwork activities to learn the fundamentals of resourcing a shelter including in the areas of feeding, client registration, and congregate dormitory management. Lunch will be provided to participants. Appropriate/casual attire including shoes for walking/standing activities is recommended. Please sign up on the OKMRC website, as well as here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ql1b3dPA0kq18WDts68ncV1oVci_9n1Ai8JdVIN6lkJUMUcxQTVWN1FLVFdNSEY4M1lNTzE3U0hBTS4u Please contact julia_reynolds@occhd.org with any questions.