Walk out of DarknessNov 12 2023Hello all: On November 12, 2023 there will be a Walk for the prevention of suicide at the Ruby Grant Park, 3110 W. Franklin Rd, Norman, OK "https://www.normanok.gov/residents-visitors/parks-recreation/parks/ruby-grant-park">https://www.normanok.gov/residents-visitors/parks-recreation/parks/ruby-grant-park The Oklahoma Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will be hosting a walk in support of suicide prevention. "https://supporting.afsp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=9659&_gl=1*1a0vn9k*_ga*MjQ5Njg1NDg5LjE2OTg4NTcwMjU.*_ga_44VZZG2H84*MTY5ODk0NzU5NS4yLjEuMTY5ODk0NzYxMC40NS4wLjA.&language=en">https://supporting.afsp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=9659&_gl=1*1a0vn9k*_ga*MjQ5Njg1NDg5LjE2OTg4NTcwMjU.*_ga_44VZZG2H84*MTY5ODk0NzU5NS4yLjEuMTY5ODk0NzYxMC40NS4wLjA.&language=en "https://assets.donordrive.com/afsp/images/$cms$/104/18789.jpg" border="0" height="350" src="file:///C:/Users/dgrizzle/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg" width="624" We have been asked to provide a medical first aid and mental health support. Reporting time will be at 2:30 PM and the ending time will roughly be 7 pm, but could be earlier. It is a 5K walk preceded by speakers and presentations. The walk will begin at 4 pm and should around 2 hours. There may be water stations we will support and we might lend a hand to any wheel chair participants. On the specific request for mental health support, if you have taken Physiological First Aid and feel that you can provide support feel free to sign up and let me know you have the training. The Norman Veterans Day parade will be held just before this event. An Air Force Veteran, mental health counselor will be available to support the walk. If you are a credentialed mental health professional and will be supporting the event, please notify me at 405-245-9522. (If you can only work a couple of hours that would be great) David David.grizzle@normanok.gov 4052459522 |