SRT: Murray County Expo Center - Sulphur

May 02 2024

OKMRC Stress Response Team (SRT) is requested to provide mental health support at the Murray County Expo Center in Sulphur. The health department will be providing services including tetanus vaccinations, assistance with WIC replacement vouchers, some Family Planning and other medical services.  SRT volunteers are requested to provide PFA and mental health support, as needed for community members and staff.  

Murrah County Expo Center- Sulphur- SRT deployment

May 2 & 3, 2024

9 am - 2 pm 

**Stress Response Team members, to deploy you must be trained in Psychological First Aid.  Licensed mental health and medical professionals preferred. Sign up by clicking the links below or on the OKMRC home page calendar. 

Important Directions to Murray County Expo Center: If you google "Murray County Expo Center", you will be sent to an incorrect location that is east of the School for the Dear.  You have to search for Murray County Fairgrounds to get the correct location.  ALSO- access to Sulphur is closed from 177 N, 177 S, and 7 E.  You can ONLY access the fairgrounds from Hwy 7 West or the Chickasaw turnpike (Hwy 301).

Questions? Contact Lezlie Borak at or 405-290-8549