Moore Outdoor Music Festival (MOM)

Hello All:
The Cleveland County MRC has been requested to support the Moore Music Festival on September 17th, 2022. The period of operations is from 12 pm to 11 pm. Shifts will be established for sign up. We will need both medical and non-medical volunteers. We anticipate a very busy day with 15 (I think) bands in the festival.
The Moore Outdoor Music Festival is a student focused event that gives each marching band the opportunity to perform twice throughout the day.  The preliminary competition performances are followed by short clinic time with the judges.  Placement awards are given to the bands after their final performance in the evening.  

RETYPED from Facebook:

OK, so here's the big deal about high school marching bands. Students spend hours upon hours working to perfect a show for performances that will last about 8 minutes. Each performance is a big deal. If someone has a bad 20 seconds, it can wreak havoc on the entire band. If someone is confused, or not quite sure of the next move, there is no opportunity to call time out and get clarification. The band gets 7-8 minutes to showcase what they have spent hundreds of hours working on. They don't get 4 quarters, 2 halves, or 9 innings-just a few minutes. If someone isn't feeling well, twists their ankle, or gets knocked on their rear they can't call timeout and ask for a sub. The show must go on. After the performance is over, not one performer will have their name in the paper, or get special recognition for the outstanding individual performance. Band is a team activity and not one person is recognized publicly for their outstanding performance that week. 
Everyone works hard, day in and day out, for the team-the group, knowing that they will not be singled out for special recognition. All the work is done for the good of the group. That's extremely awesome! Hug a band kid, or at least give them a high 5 after their next performance. GO BAND!!

SO sign up and support the BAND!!!


Date: September 17, 2022

Time: 12 pm to 11 pm

Location: Moore High School

Address: 300 N Eastern Ave

City: Moore, OK 73160

State: OK